
you can read them here and/or here
available at acertainnumberofbooks (at) gmail (dot) com
and/or in print-on-demand



la centrale edizioni

a not-for-profit, collective name,
founded in Southern Europe in 2018

un nome collettivo senza scopo di lucro, fondato in Sud Europa nel 2018


a certain number of books.

Founded 2012 in Milano, “a certain number of books.” was an artist-run, occasional small press project by Giancarlo Norese and Luca Scarabelli.

Within a series of collaborative books edited by the two artists, the contributors are found through personal invitations, open calls, and by chance. Every title is published after the previous one has been completely sold out (usually 150/200 copies priced at 10 euros).

The publications include mooon, about the 22 items left by the astronauts on the Moon; new (art) order, a comic-book parody about the Milanese artworld (with e.t. aliens) written by a young novelist and illustrated by 12 different artists; the archive of forgotten ideas, initiated by Cecilia Guida; and importraits, an overview on self-representation by 35 international artists.